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Online ADHD Pre-Assessment

The online ADHD pre-assessment is designed to give an indication as to whether or not you have the disorder. The test in itself is not a tool that will determine that you have ADHD but it can suggest that you might, and if so, is it the first step towards having a full ADHD Assessment.
If you would like to know if you might have ADHD, please provide your contact details and answer the following 6 questions, displayed when you press the button below.

You will receive a score immediately.

Bright Star will receive an email that includes your details and assessment result.

ADHD Pre-Assessment

The pre-assessment is designed to give an indication as to whether or not you have the disorder. The test in itself is not a tool that will determine that you have ADHD but it can suggest that you might, and if so, is it the first step towards having a full ADHD Assessment.

If you would like to know if you might have ADHD, please provide your contact details and answer the following 6 questions, displayed when you press the button below.

You will receive a score immediately.

Bright Star will receive an email that includes your details and assessment result.

ADHD Pre-Assessment

The pre-assessment is designed to give an indication as to whether or not you have the disorder. The test in itself is not a tool that will determine that you have ADHD but it can suggest that you might, and if so, is it the first step towards having a full ADHD Assessment.

If you would like to know if you might have ADHD, please provide your contact details and answer the following 6 questions, displayed when you press the button below.

You will receive a score immediately.

Bright Star will receive an email that includes your details and assessment result.

pre assessment button